Gabe Krajicek, CEO of Kasasa

We have seen this stat so many times. If you add up all the community banks and credit unions in the United States their scale would make them a top-five bank. Sure, but that really doesn’t make much sense because all these community institutions are separate companies. But what if you could combine some of the marketing and product offerings and streamline it across hundreds or even thousands of institutions? Then you might see some real advantages.

Steve Muszynski, Founder & CEO of Splash Financial

Marketplaces are dominating so many areas of business these days. There are Airbnb, Uber, eBay, Etsy and of course the biggest marketplace of them all: Amazon. There are also lending marketplaces, some of which have existed for a long time, and are doing large loan volumes. But there is a new type of marketplace coming on the scene, what I call an “intelligent marketplace” that is more sophisticated on the back end and provides a far better user experience.

Kirk Drake, Founder & CEO of Credit Union 2.0

There are more than 5,000 credit unions in the United States according to theĀ NCUA. Most of them are small with very limited budgets and capacity when it comes to technology. But the expectations of their members are changing and most want a smooth tech-enabled experience from their financial services provider no matter their size. So, credit unions have every reason to work with fintechs today.

Thea Mason of PenFed Credit Union

In 2020 for banks and credit union all roads led to digital. The pandemic caused something of a stress test on digital offerings for financial institutions of all sizes. Pretty much everyone saw digital adoption far exceed expectations in several categories. Today, we are going to look at what it meant for one of the country’s largest credit unions.