Mike Cagney, CEO of Figure

Mike Cagney has built a reputation as one of the smartest people in all of fintech. His capacity to raise capital is unparalleled in our space but he is also a visionary who is tackling some of the biggest fintech challenges.

Asheesh Birla, SVP of Product at Ripple

The way we move money around the world has, for the most part, not changed much in many decades. But real change is on the horizon and it is actually already happening. Many companies are reimagining this challenge in new ways and by the end of the decade moving money internationally will likely be as easy as sending an email.

Brian Dammeir, President – North America at Adyen

We have seen big changes in the payments landscape this year. Technologies such as contactless payments have seen five years of growth in just the last six months. Companies that didn’t have a large digital footprint before the pandemic suddenly realized they had to adapt, and fast. This is where today’s guest comes in.

Marwan Forzley, Founder & CEO of Veem

Historically, sending wires is one of the more painful tasks that any business has to do. It has usually involved going to a physical bank branch, filling out paper forms and waiting while the banker processes the wire. Not surprisingly, fintech has attacked this inefficient process.